Guidelines for Black Pepper Cultivation


Time Course of Action
March – April · Appropriate Shade lopping

· Watering – 75 to 100 Litre per wine once in 15 days

May · Application of Organic Manure
a) Big wines – 15 kg
b) Small wines – 5 kg
End of May to June  · Cleaning the base of the wines

· Bordeaux Spray

· Application of Trichoderma and Pseudomonas with Organic Manure after 20 days of Bordeaux spray

· Soil Drenching – Panchagavya / COC

a) Mix 5 Litres of Panchagavya with 100 Litres of water and apply ½ to 1 Litre per wine


b) Mix ½ Litre COC in 1 barrel of water and apply 5-10 Litres per wine

July · Foliar Spray by mixing 600 grams Bio 20 in 1 barrel water
September · Application of Trichoderma and Pseudomonas with Compost

· Bordeaux Spray
· Soil Drenching and Spray – Panchagavya

November to December · Application of Dolomite Lime – ½ kg per wine

·Soil Drenching and Spray – Panchagavya

· Soil Drenching by mixing 5 Litre Chlorpyrifos in 1 barrel water

January to February  · Stress Period – Stop watering the wines during this period

Note: Apply ½ kg Neem powder per wine once in 2 years during the month of August.

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