JEEVAMRUTHA – Effective Liquid Growth Promoter & Micro nutrient

Preparation and use of liquid fertilizers as an essential supply of micro nutrients to plants have proved to be very effective for development of plants from ancient times.




Cow dung 10 kgs
Cow’s urine 10 litres
Gram flour 2 kgs
Jaggery 2 kgs
Water 200 litres


Preparation of Jeevamrutha:

  • Mix all the above ingredients in a barrel and keep in a cool place.
  • The contents should be mixed well three times a day in clockwise direction and Jeevamrutha will be ready to use on the fourth day.



Direction for use:

Soil Drenching: Apply ½ litre to small plants and 1 litre for big plants under good moisture condition for best results


Do not use chemical fertilizers, pesticides or weedicides for 20 days before and after application of Jeevamrutha.


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